Monday, March 26, 2007


Sharon Osbourne Has Had Surgery, You Know Where !

Sharon Osbourne has lashed out at a host of celebrities, branding Melanie Griffiths "grotesque" and claiming Sir Mick Jagger makes her "sick". Sharon, 54, who is famed for her vicious tongue, made the indiscreet remarks to former British tabloid editor and current 'America's Got Talent' judge Piers Morgan. Sharon is quoted in Piers' new book, 'Don't You Know Who I Am?: Insider Diaries of Fame, Power and Naked Ambition', as saying: "Mick Jagger is always up some lord or lady's arse on a Persian rug. He makes me sick. Madonna - what a c***. I'd like to punch her."As for actress Griffiths, who has had several plastic surgery procedures, Sharon said: "She's destroyed herself. Now she looks grotesque - it's so sad."Michael Douglas, who has also had cosmetic surgery, was targeted by Sharon. The mother-of-three - who has admitted to spending a fortune on surgery -said: "That's another terrible face job. Poor c***." U2 singer Bono was branded a "tw*t" and Motown legend Diana Ross was dubbed" an awful woman". A spokesperson for Sharon, the wife of rocker Ozzy, has defended her comments, saying: "It was fun gossip, meant tongue-in-cheek. The comments were taken out of context."
Aren't they always Sharon !

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Kelly Osbourne thinks British men are all wimps.The star is looking for love, but has been left disappointed by the lack of eligible men in London. Kelly whined: "I'm single at the moment and I do like it. I would like to find somebody, but there is a real lack of men in London."British boys can be a bit wimpy and a bit girly. I don't want a guy who spends more time on his hair than I do."The 22-year-old, who has been linked to a host of famous men, also says she is fed up of hearing false rumors about her love life. Kelly - the daughter of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne - fumed: "Last week, I heard I was getting married to one of the Arctic Monkeys, which is crazy -they're like 16 and I've never met them. It's so annoying!"

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Osbourne Cousin Terry Longden

TV presenter and singer Kelly Osbourne's cousin Terry Longden is the mystery family member who is HIV-positive. The 43-year-old, who starred in British reality show "The Salon", was standing in the wings when Ozzy Osbourne's daughter went on stage at a charity benefit last week and told the audience she had a relative with the condition. He says, "I told her to say whatever she wanted because it might help someone in a similar situation, but I didn't expect her to cry. I felt quite guilty. She gave me a big hug when she came off." Longden discovered he was ill after taking a test six years ago, and admits he was terrified of telling his family, which included Kelly, and her parents, Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne. He says, "I was very worried about telling the Osbournes, especially Ozzy. I was on tour with him in the '80s when everyone was talking about AIDS and Ozzy saw a lot of friends die. Sharon and I are very close and I was going to tell her straight away, but then she was diagnosed with colon cancer and I didn't want to add to her problems." But when Terry managed to break the devastating news to his aunt and uncle, he couldn't have hoped for a better reaction: "I spoke to Sharon and she was fantastic. She totally understood and gave her support. Five minutes later Ozzy rang and he was great, which was a relief. Then Aimee (the Osbournes' eldest daughter) called. She was a bit worried, but very supportive. Then I had dinner with Jack and Kelly the other day to tell them face to face. They were amazing. I couldn't have a better family."

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Thursday, February 08, 2007


Sharon Osbourne hopes the person who broke into her home gets leprosy.The outspoken TV star, the wife of rocker Ozzy, is still heartbroken that her favourite piece of jewellery, a rare sapphire, was stolen from her home and has cursed the person who took it. Sharon told Heat magazine: "The most expensive thing I ever bought was a sapphire and that ended up being stolen. I hope whoever has it gets leprosy and their finger falls off."Sharon has also revealed she still gets romantically pursued by musicians, despite the fact she is married to heavy metal legend Ozzy.The 'X Factor' judge said: "A lot of older musicians like to have a list of other musicians' wives who they've shagged (Fucked). This particular guy said to me, 'I want to know what its like to shag Ozzy Osbourne's wife.' I said, 'Well you're never going to find out baby, see ya!' "
The Sapphire Looks Good On Me !

You Gave Me Nightmares Sharon Osbourne

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Kelly Osbourne has blamed her past troubles on trying to live up to her dad's hell raising reputation. Kelly, the daughter of notorious rocker Ozzy Osbourne, claims she got hooked on prescription drugs in 2004 because of the self-imposed pressures ofc oming from a rock 'n' roll family. She told Britain's Daily Mail newspaper: "I pretty much became what people expected me to be. It made me really unhappy. I fed into that 'Kelly Osbourne - sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll daughter of Ozzy Osbourne' thing. You know, 'She's a bitch, she's a handful.' I was like, 'If they think I'm like that, I might as well be.'"The 22-year-old star insists she finally managed to clean up her act after getting older and wiser. She said: "My parents let me grow up. They let me make mistakes and then pay for them. I was very sheltered during 'The Osbournes'. But I became so horrible to people I had to change."

Grown Up Kelly Osbourne

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